Before & After Maxillary Mandibular Osteotomy 2

Upper jaw (maxillary osteotomy) & Lower jaw (mandibular osteotomy)

Benefits of jaw surgery may include the relief of facial pain, headaches, snoring and obstructive sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. While a patient’s appearance may be dramatically enhanced as a result of orthognathic surgery, corrective jaw surgery is performed primarily to correct functional problems.

Before the Procedure

Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy


Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy

Before & After Maxillary Mandibular Osteotomy

Upper jaw (maxillary osteotomy) & Lower jaw (mandibular osteotomy)

Orthognathic surgery is performed to correct a wide range of skeletal and dental anomalies, including the misalignment of the jaws and teeth.

In normal jaw alignment, the upper jaw and teeth project slightly further than the lower teeth. Problems arise when the jaws or teeth don’t fit together properly because of the size and alignment of the jaw, or position of the teeth.

Before the Procedure

Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy


Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy

Before & After Osteotomy and Rhinoplasty

Welcome to the forefront of oral surgery in Utah, where our team of leading oral surgeons specializes in transformative procedures aimed at enhancing both function and aesthetics. Among our comprehensive offerings are upper jaw surgery (maxillary osteotomy), lower jaw surgery (mandibular osteotomy), and rhinoplasty, each tailored to address specific concerns and provide outstanding results for our patients.

Upper Jaw Surgery (Maxillary Osteotomy): Maxillary osteotomy, commonly referred to as upper jaw surgery, is a sophisticated procedure designed to correct irregularities and misalignments in the upper jaw bones. By realigning the jaw and teeth, this surgery not only improves oral function but also enhances facial appearance, contributing to overall well-being and confidence.

During maxillary osteotomy, our skilled surgeons meticulously access the upper jaw bones through precise incisions. They then employ advanced techniques to reposition the jaw bones, ensuring optimal alignment and harmony with the rest of the facial structures. This process may involve reshaping the bone and securing it in its new position using specialized instruments such as plates and screws.

By undergoing upper jaw surgery, patients can experience a multitude of benefits, including improved chewing function, enhanced speech clarity, and a more balanced facial profile. Our commitment to personalized care ensures that each patient receives a tailored treatment plan designed to achieve their unique goals with precision and excellence.

Lower Jaw Surgery (Mandibular Osteotomy): Mandibular osteotomy, also known as lower jaw surgery, is a transformative procedure aimed at correcting irregularities in the lower jaw bones. This innovative surgery addresses concerns such as a receding lower jaw or a protruding lower jaw, restoring facial harmony and function for our patients.

During mandibular osteotomy, our expert surgeons carefully divide the lower jaw bones and reposition them to achieve optimal alignment and balance. This may involve making precise incisions behind the molars and along the jawbone, allowing for smooth movement of the front section of the jaw. Specialized techniques utilizing plates and screws ensure stability and support as the jawbone heals in its new position.

By undergoing mandibular osteotomy, patients can expect not only improvements in facial aesthetics but also enhanced bite alignment, chewing function, and overall oral health. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional care and support throughout the entire treatment process, from consultation to post-operative recovery.

Rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty

Commonly referred to as nose surgery, is a transformative procedure aimed at reshaping the nose to improve both its appearance and function. At our practice, we recognize the intricate relationship between nasal aesthetics and breathing, and we strive to provide comprehensive solutions for our patients’ needs.

During rhinoplasty, our skilled surgeons employ advanced techniques to sculpt and refine the nasal structure, addressing concerns such as nasal humps, asymmetry, or nasal tip projection. Additionally, when indicated, functional improvements may be incorporated to enhance breathing through the nose, ensuring optimal outcomes for our patients.

Whether seeking cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, rhinoplasty offers a range of benefits, including enhanced facial symmetry, improved self-confidence, and better nasal airflow. Our commitment to excellence and patient-centered care ensures that each individual receives personalized attention and tailored treatment plans to achieve their desired results.

In conclusion, our leading oral surgeons in Utah are dedicated to providing cutting-edge procedures that combine innovation with expertise to deliver exceptional outcomes for our patients. Whether undergoing upper jaw surgery, lower jaw surgery, or rhinoplasty, you can trust our team to guide you through every step of your transformative journey with compassion, skill, and excellence. Schedule a consultation with us today and discover the difference our personalized approach can make in achieving your oral and facial goals.

Before the Procedure

Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty

After the Procedure

Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy & rhinoplasty