The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Corrective Jaw Surgery

Over 25% of adults require corrective jaw surgery at some point. The right jaw surgeon will help you speak, eat, breathe, talk, and smile with confidence. 

Healthy jaw and facial structure impact self-esteem, health, and day-to-day quality of life. That’s why it’s important to pick the right oral surgeon and prepare for the procedure. 

That’s why we’ve assembled a guide to preparing for corrective jaw surgery. Let’s get started!

Preparing for Corrective Jaw Surgery

Depending on the type of oral surgery you’re facing, healthcare practitioners may prepare you years in advance. For instance, braces are a great way to prepare your bone structure for necessary surgery. 

Sometimes, jaw surgeries occur to improve biting, chewing, swallowing, speaking, jaw fit, closure, facial asymmetry, and so forth. Some of these issues can and should be partially corrected with braces. 

Of course, corrective braces aren’t the only form of preparation. Crowns, pulling teeth, dental bridges, and implants are also important procedures. 

Sometimes, jaw surgery is the icing on the cake. Your oral surgeon may need to do more comprehensive groundwork beforehand. That way, you can experience a safe, effective surgery. 

Some healthcare professionals will also leverage 3D CT scanning, orthodontic anchoring devices, and other forms of digital treatment planning. These will help your surgeon prepare for the best jaw surgery possible. 

What Types of Corrective Jaw Surgery Should I Prepare For?

It’s important to converse with your oral surgeon if you have questions since each procedure will be highly specific to you. However, there are three main types of corrective jaw surgery. 

The first one is a maxillary osteotomy. This means that surgery will be conducted on the top part of your jaw. In other words, the surgeon will cut through the bone above the teeth. 

Then, the surgeon will move the jaw and corresponding teeth forward. The goal is to make the upper and lower jaws and teeth match up properly.

The second type of corrective jaw surgery you could prepare for is a mandibular osteotomy. This jaw surgery focuses on the bottom part of the jaw. Your oral surgeon will cut behind your molars and down to the jawbone. 

Then, the surgeon will move your lower jaw forward or backward, depending on your medical needs. 

The final type of corrective jaw surgery is a bimaxillary osteotomy. These are two separate procedures combined into one. That way, the surgeon can help correct facial issues that impact both the upper and lower jaw. 

Taking Care of Yourself Before Jaw Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery isn’t scary! It’s a procedure that countless oral surgeons perform over and over again. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take care of yourself.

The physical trauma of surgery isn’t your body’s natural state. Your body needs resources, care, and rest to properly recover. 

Start by reviewing any allergies, current medications, or medical needs with your doctor. They will be able to adjust prescriptions, painkillers, and so forth to work with your needs. 

It’s also crucial to be honest at this stage. Many people deny drinking alcohol, using marijuana, or smoking cigarettes. Your doctor isn’t going to judge or penalize you based on your habits. 

Instead, your doctor will be able to cater to your treatment plan based on what’s going on in the body you have, not the body or habits you wish for. 

It’s also important to invest in a blender. Many people aren’t prepared for the difficulties of simply chewing and swallowing food. 

However, those nutrients are crucial to a safe, speedy recovery. Get some of your favorite foods that can easily be pureed for a tasty shake, sauce, or drink.

You should also stock up on cold, nourishing foods like yogurt or applesauce. Think baby food—lots of fruit and vegetable nutrients mashed up for easy swallowing and digestion!

Arranging Mutual Aid 

The concept of mutual aid has been around since the dawn of human society. Since the start of COVID-19, the concept has gained popularity. With taglines like “solidarity not charity”, people are developing small community pods. 

Alternating childcare and bus pickup? Easy. Alternating grocery pickup duty between families? Even better. Coordinating with someone to make sure you can have a smooth oral surgery recovery? That’s the whole goal of mutual aid. 

Make sure that you have someone who is able to stay with you in the initial stages of recovery. Even if you technically don’t need it, this can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. 

It’s also crucial to arrange a ride. Many surgeons won’t release you otherwise. It will be unsafe for you to drive home under the influence of painkillers and lingering anesthesia. 

If you don’t want to deal with scheduling an Uber in your post-surgery state, develop a plan ahead of time. 

Preparing to Recuperate 

When recuperating from oral surgery, remember to take careful notes on everything your surgeon recommends. They may even provide printed handouts if you think you may forget something. It’s all part of a careful preparation process to make sure you’re ok.

Remember the most important part of the preparation: that your healthcare provider is on call to help if your symptoms become troubling. Here are some things to watch it for. 

Are you having trouble urinating? Are you struggling to close your eyes? Are you having difficulty with breathing, severe pain, swelling, fever, or severe pain? It’s important to either contact your healthcare provider or call 911, depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Getting Ready for Corrective Jaw Surgery

As any jaw surgeon will tell you, the benefits of corrective jaw surgery far outweigh the downsides. You’ll experience improved health, a better quality of life, an improved bite, easier chewing and swallowing, and improved self-esteem. 

If you put in the time to prepare for your corrective jaw surgery, things will go much smoother in the long run. If you’re interested in a great oral surgery experience, contact us today!

Gum Recession Surgery: Procedure, Recovery Time, and Benefits

Did you know that 46% of adults over the age of 30 in the United States alone have some degree of gum disease? Gum disease is actually one of the most common conditions that dentists see. Gum disease usually starts with gingivitis which can be treated by brushing and flossing. 

However, if left untreated, gingivitis can turn into a much worse condition that can lead to gum recession. Gum recession itself can lead to many dental health complications which is why gum recession surgery is so important for those who need it.

If you don’t know much about gum recession treatment, let’s take a closer look at what it is and how it works. But first, let’s see why gum recession is so dangerous in the first place and why it might happen. 

What Is Gum Recession

Many people who have receding gums usually don’t even realize that their gums are receding. This is because gum recession is a very slow process and its first stages don’t usually cause a lot of irritation. Normally, gums are supposed to be firm and pink in order to protect the roots of your teeth. 

Your gums are also very important for keeping your teeth in place. Without your gums, it would be very difficult to stay within their sockets since they would have little support. As long as you brush and floss your teeth, you will be able to stimulate blood flow to your gums and they will remain healthy.

Brushing and flossing are also important to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Tartar is a hard substance derived from plaque which is, on the other hand, a soft and sticky substance that originates from oral bacteria. Tartar tends to build on the teeth when dental hygiene practices are not followed. 

When this happens, the tartar not only can damage your teeth but your gums as well. Tartar is actually one of the major gum recession causes. Once you have gingivitis, it will get worse unless you treat it. 

One of the first symptoms of gum disease and recession you might notice is tooth sensitivity. This is because the sensitive roots of your teeth are becoming exposed. You may eventually notice that your gums are unusually red and tend to bleed easily. 

The reason for this is that your gums are inflamed, puffy, and overly sensitive. As your gum problems get worse, you may notice that you can see your dental roots because your gums have receded drastically. Gum recession at this point is dangerous because you could get harmful bacterial infections. 

What Is Gum Recession Surgery

Gum recession is usually treated with gum or gingival grafting. As mentioned before, the early stages of gum disease are treatable to avoid gum recession However, once your gums start to recede, there is not much you can do except get a gum graft.

Gum grafting involves taking soft tissue from another part of your mouth, usually the roof of your mouth, and applying it to your receded gums. Your gum specialist will do this by creating a flap that will be able to cover the exposed sections of your dental roots. While the surgery may sound invasive and painful, it is actually a quick and easy procedure. 

A gum graft usually doesn’t last any longer than an hour and a half. Once the gum specialist grafts the new tissue onto your gums, the new gums will start to grow into the old tissue. Once it is completely healed, you won’t be able to see your gum recession anymore and your dental health should be in much better shape. 

If you’re wondering, “Is gum recession surgery painful?” you shouldn’t worry. This is because, when it’s time for the procedure, your gum specialist will give you a local anesthetic so you won’t feel any discomfort. Depending on how severe your gum recession is, your dentist may need to remove some additional gingiva (gum) because it may be diseased. 

By doing this, your dentist will also be able to clean the exposed portions of your teeth that may be covered in tartar and bacteria. After your mouth is clean, the dentist will be able to begin the gum graft. The gum recession treatment cost is quite manageable as well and usually does not cost more than $1,000.

Recovering from a Gum Graft

As you recover from a gum graft, it is important to be very careful when it comes to dental care. This is because you will want your gum graft to heal properly and with as few complications as possible. As your gums heal, you will want to avoid flossing as well as eating hard foods that can scratch your gums.

Your surgeon will prescribe you antibiotics so you won’t develop an infection. To keep any swelling and inflammation down, it is recommended that you eat soft and cold foods like ice cream. While your gums are still sensitive, you should avoid brushing your teeth and instead use a special mouthwash. 

If you are a smoker, you should also try to stop smoking. This is because smoking can make the healing process take longer. You will likely feel some discomfort in the first few days after the procedure, but you can soothe any pain with OTC pain medication. 

After about two weeks, your gums should be healed and you should be able to resume your normal dental hygiene practices. 

Everything You Need to Know About Gum Recession Surgery

Gum recession is no joke. It can wreak havoc not only on your gums but also on your teeth and make you more vulnerable to dangerous infections. With gum recession surgery, your gum specialist can treat your gums and greatly improve your oral health. 

To learn more about gum recession treatments, explore our website

Everything to Consider When Choosing a Corrective Jaw Surgeon

After months of weighing the benefits, you’ve finally decided to get the corrective jaw surgery you need.

This is an exciting process that brings you one step closer to having that dream smile you’ve always wanted. Now all you need to do is find a corrective jaw surgeon.

You need a surgeon that understands all of your needs. But this may feel easier said than done, as you’re not sure how or where to look to begin your search. 

If you’re looking for the perfect surgeon to perform your corrective jaw surgery, read this guide on everything you should consider in your search.


Any oral and facial surgery requires a high level of expertise. When finding a specialized professional, you should consider the training and education they went through.

Go through each surgeon on your list and check that each graduated from an accredited program/school.

Consider the type of training they underwent. Are they experts in just surgical operations, or did they spend more time studying anesthesia as well?

Having a surgeon trained in multiple aspects of surgery can give you peace of mind knowing that they are experts on complex situations should they arise.

Do they prioritize continuous training?

A good surgeon prioritizes learning new innovative techniques that can reduce things that were once considered a risk. Having a surgeon in the field for over 20 years can be good, but if they aren’t constantly updating their skills, they could be performing techniques on you that are two decades old.

Remember to ask for proof of board certification from every surgeon you’re considering. If they cannot, you may not feel comfortable or safe with them performing your corrective jaw surgery procedure.

Experience of the Corrective Jaw Surgeon

How has the surgeon put their education to use? You can find this out by looking up their oral surgery experience.

Research how long the surgeon has performed jaw surgeries. You might prefer someone whose records show a track record of 10 years versus someone who has never performed the surgery.

Consider any accolades they have in their honor; this means they are dedicated to contributing to the growth of their field.

You can also look up any organizations they are a part of or affiliated with. For example, a surgeon affiliated with the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons connects with a wide network of similar experts in the field all over the country.

The Services They Offer

Whether it’s a scheduled procedure or an unexpected surgery, the last thing you want is to find out too late that what you need is not something your surgeon can provide. Checking out the services the surgeon offers can prevent this from happening.

Most surgeons have their list of services available directly on their website, but just in case, call the office directly to make sure the information is up to date.

The more an office offers, the more you’re covered in any situation. Some common surgeries they should have listed are:

  • Corrective jaw surgery
  • Teeth extractions
  • Dental implants
  • Bone grafting

Ask if the surgeon has before and after pictures to give you a better idea of their final results.

The Costs

You could have already created a corrective jaw surgery budget to cover the surgery depending on the circumstance. Still, more often than not, the surgery can come up as an unexpected expense. It would be best if you chose a professional surgical practice that gives you various payments options.

Ask the dental provider what insurances they accept and what forms of payment are allowed in their office. If they are out of network, will they allow payment plans to help break up costs?

Obvious red flags of cash-only establishments are to be avoided at all costs, and you should steer clear of offices that don’t offer receipts or proofs of payment.

Their Reputation

It’s common for you to receive your oral surgeon referral from a licensed dentist. But if you don’t, there are a few ways to find one with a good reputation on your own.

The first thing you can do is ask your friends and family. Getting referrals from people you trust can make the process easier because you know firsthand patients that have undergone procedures in their office. Ask about their experiences.

Did they feel comfortable walking into the office? Did the surgeon make the experience comfortable? You can also ask if the office staff were helpful and inviting.

The next step is to look up reviews. It might help you decide if you filtered the reviews to show the lowest reviews, the highest reviews, and then everything in between.

With low-rank reviews, take note of what exactly people are pointing out. If the complaints refer to things that are not really in the control of the office or staff, don’t let them scare you away.

Remember to check multiple reviews sites to prevent any bias that can occur.

Comfort and Convenience

Once all your research is completed, you’ll want to visit the locations in person to meet the teams.

When traveling, take note of how long the drive is. Is the location a suitable distance away in the event of an emergency?  

What about hours, does their availability work for your schedule?

When you arrive, a good jaw surgeon will have staff who are welcoming and available to answer all of your questions regarding your consultation visit. 

When you finally sit down and talk to the surgeon, being comfortable is the most important aspect. A surgeon that rushes you out the door and seems too busy to answer any of your questions is not a surgeon you want doing a jaw procedure that requires unrushed precision.

Once the consultation is over, compare your notes and choose a jaw surgeon that makes you feel confident and safe.

Book Your Consultation Today

Finding a corrective jaw surgeon with these steps will make the search quick and simple. As you progress through each step, cross off any surgeons that don’t match the criteria.

In the end, you’ll have a surgeon that meets the standards and goes above and beyond for your care.

Aspire Surgical Center is a team of innovatively thinking oral and facial surgeons. We offer various services that get you one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always dreamt for yourself.

Don’t settle for anything but amazing.

For information on services, visit our website and find the location nearest you.

Five Questions to Ask Your Oral Surgeon

The prospect of surgery is scary, no matter the reason for the procedure. Thankfully, patients can calm their fears, at least mostly, by meeting with their oral surgeon before their scheduled procedure. This consultation visit is the ideal opportunity for patients to ask questions they might have of the surgeon and ease their mind over the upcoming procedure. It’s important to have questions ready, before stepping into a consultation, so the appointment is as useful and educational as possible.

1.) Why is This Surgery Necessary?

The most important question you need answered is the “why” for your surgery. Your oral surgeon wants you to understand your need for surgery. They never want you to go into a procedure feeling it’s unnecessary. You should walk away from your consultation understanding fully why this particular surgery is your best option to remedy the problem with which you are dealing.

2.) What is the Sequence of My Procedure?

You want to know what the surgeon plans on doing during your surgery. Ask. Let them go through step-by-step and tell you what to expect with each phase of the surgery, beginning with anesthesia. This question is important, because it gives you an accurate view of your procedure, so you know what to expect on the day of surgery.

3.) How Long will My Procedure Last?

Of course, not every patient is the same and complications can arise that prolong a surgery. However, a specialist in oral surgery, such as your oral surgeon, can give you an accurate estimation on surgery length. Keep in mind, your surgeon cannot foresee every unknown factor, so allow for some extra time when scheduling other tasks immediately after your surgery.

4.) What Will My Recovery Look Like?

Again, every patient is different. Therefore, your recovery process will not be exactly like anyone else’s. However, your oral surgeon should be able to tell you the time frame for typical recovery and what that looks like in most patients. For example, they can tell you, most patients return to work a week after this procedure. You might not need that long, but you might need longer. In addition, your surgeon should tell you how long you can expect pain, if at all. The idea is to give you a good idea of what recovery usually looks like in most patients.

5.) What Are The Risks of This Surgery?

Last but not least, you want to ask about the risks. Every surgery, no matter how common, comes along with a bit of risk. This can be scary, hearing what “could” happen. However, going over these “what ifs” can actually make you feel better about the procedure because you will learn what the worst possible outcome could be, while your surgeon explains why that won’t be the case in your situation. We recommend a consultation between you, the patient, and your surgeon before any wisdom teeth, implants, bone graph, or other oral surgery. The five questions listed above are a great way to get communication started and ensure you know exactly what to expect on the day of your oral surgery.