Before & After Maxillary Mandibular Osteotomy 2

Upper jaw (maxillary osteotomy) & Lower jaw (mandibular osteotomy)

Benefits of jaw surgery may include the relief of facial pain, headaches, snoring and obstructive sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. While a patient’s appearance may be dramatically enhanced as a result of orthognathic surgery, corrective jaw surgery is performed primarily to correct functional problems.

Before the Procedure

Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy


Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary osteotomy & mandibular osteotomy