If You’re Getting a Tooth Pulled, Watch Out for These Complications After Treatment

Tooth extraction is an invasive treatment that can help you restore your oral health and smile. This is a beneficial treatment, but, like other treatments, there is a chance you could experience complications after the extraction. Some of those problems include:

-Dry socket: Dry socket occurs when a blood clot fails to form or when an already-formed blood clot breaks off too soon. This can happen when you drink through a straw. This problem can be very painful and should be treated with a medicated bandage as soon as possible. So, please contact our office if you experience this issue.

-Numb lips and chin: It’s typical to feel numb after oral surgery, especially because of the numbing agents used during the treatment. However, if the numbing lasts more than one or two days, a nerve might have been affected during the treatment. So, it’s best to contact our office and schedule an appointment.

-Infection: Infection is always a possibility after tooth extraction, as it is with any surgery. So, make sure to care for the surgical site as much as possible to prevent infection. If you see oozing at the surgical site, please contact our office and schedule an appointment.

It’s very important to follow post-op instructions on how to properly recover after tooth extraction. That way you can fully return to a top-notch oral health and smile. Do you have any questions? If so, please contact our team at Aspire Surgical when you have the chance. Our professional team will be happy to help you if you just call us!

The Known Dangers of Gingivitis

Have you ever heard of periodontal disease? Have you ever heard of gum disease? Have you ever heard of gingivitis? Strikingly enough, they all refer to the same oral health care condition. Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Fortunately, if you are only suffering from gingivitis, there’s still plenty of time to treat the disease and restore your oral health.

Spotting gingivitis can often be difficult, due to the length of time that the disease can occur. Gum disease can progress for many years, and the symptoms may be minor. However, if you’re showing any signs of additional redness or swelling in your gums, gingivitis may be present. Furthermore, if your gums bleed easily when eating, brushing your teeth, or flossing, you may be suffering from early stages of gum disease. Gingivitis may also be present if you consistently suffer from bad breath.

Various risk factors increase the likelihood you will develop gum disease and gingivitis. This includes unhealthy habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco or using drugs. Some gingivitis risk factors may be out of your control, including pregnancy, genetics, and diabetes. Even some medications you may be taking can increase your risk for gingivitis. If left untreated, oral surgery can be given via a gingival graft, also known as a gum graft, to help restore your gums.

If you are looking for gum graft treatments in Salt Lake City, come see Aspire Surgical soon. To schedule an appointment, simply call our office. With the help of  our team, the pathway to a clear smile can be yours. We look forward to making your smile shine soon!

Enhance Your Smile with TMJ Treatments

When thinking about how important your jaw is to your oral health, it’s best to understand the factors behind it. Within each jaw lies a joint known a temporomandibular joint, also called a TMJ. TMJs are responsible for the array of movement that our mouth requires for opening our mouths and chewing. Thus, they can be damaged at times due to excess wear and tear, which will need treatment as soon as possible.

Enhance your smile with TMJ treatments. To learn more about TMJs, please read the following:

– If your mouth takes frequent damage, TMJ disorders can arise. It is important to stop all bad habits that could make it worse, including chewing gum, eating hard foods, or even biting your nails.
– As is the case with many TMJ disorders, common side effects include pain, discomfort, or swelling. Different types of treatments to use include ice packs for pain and heat packs for swelling.
– If your TMJ is causing you jaw pain, there may be an underlying illness within your mouth or body contributing to it.
– In order to better help you cope with the stress and anxiety that is often connected to TMJ disorders, try practicing yoga or biofeedback.

Come in and see for yourself the effectiveness of TMJ treatments provided by our oral surgeons. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Maak, Dr. Shamo, Dr. Stosich, and our team, call Aspire Surgical and a member of our team will gladly assist you. The time is now to approach the rest of your life with a smile!