Oral Health ABCs: Dental Implants

With the upcoming holiday seasons set to fall upon us, it is important to take the time to ensure your smile is functioning at its maximum potential. If you are suffering from any missing teeth, your oral health can decline. One particular tooth replacement treatment that is highly effective at restoring your smile is via single-tooth dental implants.

Dental implants are artificial replacements designed to fill out your smile by taking the place of missing teeth. They can be customized and modified to fit exactly as necessary and can be shaded to mimic the natural color of your teeth. Other replacement treatments such as dentures may move around within your mouth if you bite into foods that are too or chewy, but dental implants run zero risks of tooth slippage. Thus, dental implants have zero food restrictions, so you can enjoy all the meals that you have come to know and love.

Individuals suffering from missing teeth are likely to notice negative impacts to their facial structure and gums as well. When you are missing teeth, your facial structure will appear older and more sunken in. Furthermore, missing teeth can cause your gums to destabilize, which can result in nearby or neighboring teeth moving or shifting out of position. Dental implants seek to reverse both of these ailments, making you look younger and healthier in the process.

If you are interested in single-tooth dental implants, please call Aspire Surgical so we can get you in as soon as possible. We have 7 convenient office locations. Have a fantastic day!

Make the Switch to Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

Similar to implant-supported dentures, implant-supported dental bridges are also a highly effective form of tooth replacement therapy. If you have up to 3 missing teeth in a row, implant-supported dental bridges are a highly recommended treatment we offer.

With traditional dental bridges, bridges are inserted into loose spaces in your mouth where teeth are missing. Dental bridges fill these voids and link to nearby and neighboring teeth. However, implant-supported bridges are attached directly to your jaw bone which not only provides an increased stability, but it removes the need to grind down or alter nearby our neighboring teeth for insertion. In addition, implant-supported bridges can last up to a lifetime of heavy use compared to roughly 5 to 7 years of traditional dental bridges. In many cases, implant-supported bridges will not require periodic replacements or restorations.

Our team of highly trained professionals uses state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge treatment techniques to ensure your implant-supported bridges are crafted, customized, and installed safely, securely, and effectively for a lifetime of oral health happiness.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Aspire Surgical to see if you are a candidate for implant-supported bridges, please call our team. With the help of Drs. Michelle Maak, Richard Shamo, and AJ Stosich, you can set the stage for the oral health care you desire.

The Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

Although dentures are a highly effective form of tooth replacement treatment, in some situations, they may be hindering the ability for your mouth to function properly. Issues with impaired chewing, speaking, and eating skills may arise if your dentures are not stable. To combat this problem, [practice_name] would like to offer you implant-supported dentures.

Implant-supported dentures are highly effective for replacing multiple missing teeth.  Our team of oral and facial surgeons is highly skilled at placing implant-supported dentures to prevent issues that may arise with traditional dentures, including issues where they become loose or slide out of position. With the help of our team of highly skilled professionals, we can offer you a cost-effective solution to improve your quality of life in regard to your oral health and functions thereof.

In order to place implant-supported dentures, the implants must first be placed. If your jaw is not strong enough for implants, bone grafting procedures may be necessary. Typically, 4 to 6 dental implants are required per denture. Once the implants are in place, dentures can be attached to the top of the implants. With implant-supported dentures, we can assure you that your smile will drastically improve for a lifetime of satisfaction.

If you are looking to restore your smile with implant-supported dentures, or enhance your smile further, contact our team at Aspire Surgical. We can be reached by  phone to book a reservation to see us at our office in the Salt Lake area and Heber. Our doctors are here to help you make the most of your oral health.

Get Rejuvenated Skin with a Chemical Peel

Minor skin defects such as skin pigmentation, small scars, fine lines, freckles, spots, rough skin, or acne can be rejuvenated with a chemical peel. [practice_name] strives to provide the best skin care and look to give you the self-esteem to live your life with smooth skin free of alterations or blemishes.

Dr. [doctor_name] and our professional staff here in [city], [state], can apply a chemical peel to give you this fresh look. Our cosmetic surgeons apply this quick and simple treatment to remove old skin to be replaced by fresh skin. Not everyone may be a good candidate. This includes if you have recently had acne treatments or if you have abnormal skin scarring, irregular pigmentation, or warts. Alternative treatments will be considered if this is the case.

Each potential risk and factors will be professionally addressed beforehand. When coming in for a chemical peel, our professionals will prep you by washing and cleaning your skin. One or more chemical solutions are then applied, and you are closely monitored as the old skin peels off. A slight burning or stinging sensation may occur during treatment.

If you live in the area and you want to get revitalized skin, call [phone] to set up a consultation appointment at Aspire Surgical today!