Before & After Maxillary Mandibular Osteotomy 3

Upper jaw (maxillary osteotomy) & Lower jaw (mandibular osteotomy)

Orthognathic surgery, commonly known as jaw surgery, is a transformative medical procedure designed to reposition the teeth and jaws, fostering improved balance, functionality, and overall oral health. This comprehensive approach not only targets bite correction and enhanced functionality but also extends its positive impact to various facets of a patient’s life, including aesthetics, breathing, and speech.

One of the primary objectives of orthognathic surgery is to address malocclusions and irregularities in the jaw structure, ultimately leading to a more harmonious and balanced bite. By strategically adjusting the positioning of the teeth and jaws, orthognathic surgery aims to alleviate discomfort, enhance functionality, and prevent potential dental issues in the long term. This surgical intervention goes beyond mere cosmetic considerations; it plays a crucial role in promoting oral health and overall well-being.


Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy


While the immediate focus of orthognathic surgery is on bite correction and functional improvements, patients often report experiencing a range of additional benefits. Remarkably, the procedure can yield positive changes in facial aesthetics, contributing to a more balanced and pleasing appearance. This enhancement is particularly noteworthy, as it goes beyond the functional aspects of the surgery, influencing the patient’s overall self-image and confidence.

Breathing is another critical aspect that can be positively impacted by orthognathic surgery. Irregularities in jaw structure can sometimes contribute to breathing difficulties, and addressing these issues through surgery can lead to improved respiratory function. Patients who previously struggled with breathing challenges may find relief and enhanced respiratory capacity after undergoing orthognathic surgery, contributing to an overall improvement in their quality of life.

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Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy
Maxillary & mandibular osteotomy

Furthermore, orthognathic surgery can have a profound effect on speech patterns. Misalignments in the jaw and teeth can impede proper articulation, leading to speech impediments or difficulties. By realigning the oral structures, orthognathic surgery can enhance speech clarity and fluency. This improvement not only contributes to effective communication but also boosts the patient’s confidence in social interactions.

The holistic impact of orthognathic surgery extends well beyond the confines of dental and facial considerations. Patients often find that the positive changes brought about by the surgery significantly influence their self-esteem and confidence levels. A more harmonious facial profile, coupled with improved oral function and breathing, can instill a newfound sense of confidence and well-being in individuals who undergo orthognathic surgery.

In conclusion, orthognathic surgery is a comprehensive and transformative approach to addressing dental and jaw irregularities. While its primary goal is to achieve bite correction and improved functionality, the procedure’s positive effects extend to various aspects of a patient’s life. From enhanced facial aesthetics and improved breathing to clearer speech patterns, orthognathic surgery can bring about a holistic transformation, positively impacting both physical and psychological well-being. If you are considering orthognathic surgery, it is essential to consult with a qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon here at Aspire Surgical to explore the potential benefits and tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs. Contact Us Today!

See our ultimate guide to preparing for corrective jaw surgery.